Saturday, December 26, 2015

Fun, family day!

So, last night didn't go so well.  She fell asleep at 8 pm, however woke up at midnight and did not go back to sleep until almost 6 am:( She woke up at 11:30 am.  She was grieving off and on.  Today, was very fun.  CJ's parents were visiting and the McIntyres came over to meet her.

Thank you to each and every one of you that prayed for us along this journey! We are thrilled to be home together and having so much fun. Jacie misses her foster family, but loves her new siblings and plays so well with them. Today, she was speaking in Korean and CJ asked Tae what she said. He responded, "She said she thinks I am a knucklehead!" (He does NOT speak/understand any Korean!)

It is so much fun to watch her play with Charlie, Jerri Lynn and Tae.  She lets them love on her and wants to take them all around the house with her!  

Friday, December 25, 2015

Finally Home!

WHOAH!!!  I cannot begin to express how good home feels!  After close to 40 hours of planes, trains and automobiles we are home for Christmas!  Praises to the Lord for his provision and bringing our sweet AhRina home to us!!!

We woke up early and took turns going to breakfast.  Then, we woke up AhRina and got her dressed. She was happy to leave and we got in the taxi. We were able to talk to the cab driver about Jesus and the Drop Box! He said he was a little sad that we were taking her to the US, but he has very thankful for us.  We also got to share the gospel with another cab driver that stated he was Catholic and Buddist.  He said he planned to get a Bible next year, I so wish we had Korean bibles and a copy of the Drop Box to give all of these precious Korean people!

We got to the airport and got checked in.  The nice lady gave us a "Fast Pass" for customs which was great!  We met 3 other adoptive families on our flight!!  One of the families adopted a precious 5 year old little boy that was blind and autistic.  Tears flowed as they shared their story of how God brought their son to them!

AhRin did great on the flight! She only slept 1 hour out of the 14, but played with all her things.  She didn't get sad until we landed and that only lasted a moment. We had a layover in Detroit, so we cleared customs and headed to the lounge.   We had 2 hours before our next flight.  It was about 9 am. Our flight was delayed and hour, so we just waited.  It kept getting pushed back further and further.  Finally, we got a 4:00 departure time after waiting ALL day in the lounge. We boarded the plane and kept waiting and waiting and never left.  Jacie fell asleep, finally!  The crew kept saying, "It doesn't look good- we needed a pilot."  They came on board and said, "We have called a pilot and he is on the way." Well, 1 1/2 hour later they said, "We are sorry- your flight is cancelled."  CJ had been on the phone with Delta in the meantime and basically they said they couldn't get us home until the next day at 6 pm and then only to Nashville, not Huntsville.

CJ looked at the map and realized we are only 9 1/2 hours from home, so we decided to rent a car.  Jacie was still asleep through all this!  We got a car and rented a car seat and off we went!  This was about 5:00 pm.  We finally arrived at 1:30 am.  Lots of friends texted and called to be sure we were awake throughout the drive!  We stopped at McDonald's drive-thru and the car in front of us paid for our dinner.  We just wanted to cry!!!

Jacie grieved in the car and I don't blame her- I wanted out too! I just held her and told her it was ok and I love her!  She cried herself back to sleep.

When we got in the house, she was so excited to see Halmuni- Ree Ree.  She loved playing in her room and exploring all her new toys. We finally went to sleep in her bed at 3:00 and woke up with Jerri Lynn smiling at us at 7:00 am on Christmas morning!  What a gift! Thank you, Lord for my sweet family!

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Fun day at Lotte World!

We had a super fun day!  AhRin went to bed at 2:00 am last night and slept until 9:30 when we woke her for breakfast.  We went Lotte World and she was so excited and it was wonderful to see her so happy!  She grieved a lot yesterday.  We played for a long time and then went to Itaweon and then Namdemeun. She had so much fun- everyone loved her. She decided she likes riding on my back!  Nice Korean people would just give her food.  One man went and bought her a large bag of shrimp chips, then another gentleman as we were walking by- put a chip in her mouth!  Another man gave her a bag of something yummy and the lady at the food shop gave her a donut!!  They love children over here.  We had so much fun playing in the cab.  AhRin was poking Daddy with her fingers, saying "pokie, pokie, pokie!" It was so cute!  She will tell people, "Hello" and "Thank you" , she also says my favorite- I love you and will give me bopos (kisses) freely!!! We went to the mall tonight to let her run around some more and now she is playing in the tub. She loves the water.  We had a yummy traditional Korean meal.  She loves bop (rice) and galbi!  We are about to pack and get ready to go home.  We have way more than what we come with!  We are so excited to have our kids all together!!!!

Tuesday, December 22, 2015


After almost 800 days, we finally have our precious AhRina!!!  We cannot explain our array of emotions.  We arrived early at Eastern.  We were supposed to take custody at 11:30 and we were so excited that we got there at 10:00.  We were waiting and all of a sudden I heard her say, "Papa" and she came running in!!! We had her a really cute owl suitcase and she was sooo excited about it!  The foster sister and mom brought her to us.  We were able to play with them for about an hour before we had to say goodbye.  AhRin played on the slide with foster sister and played a little with Papa while her foster mom and I went through all her belongings.  She had new pajamas, toys and clothes, as well as her hanbok.

The time came and we had to get on the van and go to the embassy.  The foster sister held her hand to lead her outside.  She had to pick her up, because she didn't want to go outside and get in van:( CJ and I got in the van with another family and foster sis handed us AhRin.  She protested and did not want to stay in the van.  The foster sister was weeping uncontrollably and reaching for her.  The foster mom had tears in her eyes, but was trying to be strong, so AhRin would not be so upset.  They shut the door to the van and she held on to the window, crying Omma the whole 20 minute ride.  She was not able to be consoled:( I sat there with her in my lap and prayed for peace for her little heart.  The grief was immense for all.

As we got out of the van at the embassy, she let Papa- CJ hold her.  She calls me Mommy and CJ- Papa!!  It is pretty cute.  Anyway, she did great at the embassy- running around and playing.  We were there about 1 1/2 hours and she would tell the security guard that she needed to go outside, because her Omma was out there:(

We came to the hotel and opened her gifts.  She was ok for a little while and then began to cry, so we went to dinner at the mall, which is in the basement of our hotel!  She did great, laughing and playing.  She would say "I-da-wa Papa" which means Come here Daddy!!!

We came back to the room, played in the tub for an hour and then she started to cry again.  We put on one of her favorite cartoons- Robocar Poli!!  She laid in the bed with us for hours and finally at 4 am fell asleep!!!!!!!  So, we woke her at 9:30 am for breakfast.  She would not eat anything this morning.  So, we took her across the street to a convienence store and she picked out some of her favorite foods!

We came back to the hotel room and she got sad again, so we decided to go shopping in Itaweon.  She loved that.  We ate at a yummy restaurant, The Maple Tree.

Got in the cab to come back to hotel, with plans to go back to the mall.  She fell asleep at 2:30pm and so we brought her to room.  She slept until 8:30 pm!  So, CJ and I slept as well!!!

Who knows what tonight will bring?? :)  She is eating noodles right now with Papa!! I think she is ready for central time!!!  Love you AhRina!!! This is fun!

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Made it to Seoul!

It is 8:15 pm here and we cannot believe that in a few short ours, we will have our AhRin forever!!! We can't imagine the grief she and the foster family will experience being separated after being together for 3 1/2 years.  We are praying that God will ease this transition and she will feel secure in our love.

When we checked into the hotel, our bell hop asked where we were from: we replied, "Alabama." He said, "I went to school in Alabama!"  Turns out he lived in Madison, graduated from Bob Jones and studied engineering at UAH!!!!!  He said he was just there 2 months ago!!!  So fun!!!

Gotta go sleep!  So excited!!!

Monday, November 16, 2015

Off we go!

Our great friend, Ashley took us to the airport at 5:00 am!  We were so excited to finally after almost 2 years getting to meet our girl!
When we arrived it was raining hard.  We got in a van and headed to the hotel.  We were so tired by the time we got there, we ordered pizza and went to sleep!  We were all awake about 3 am for the day!!  We headed to our old house near Camp Humphreys and to Osan to do some shopping!  My daddy was stationed at Osan about 50 years ago!! We had yummy chicken on a stick and yakimandu! We get to meet our girl tomorrow!!!!!!!

Monday, November 9, 2015


We met our precious girl!  She is full of energy and loves the boys. The first question from the foster family was where is her big sister!  Her foster family is wonderful.  We can't wait to go back and see her again on Wednesday. Thank you Lord for allowing us to be her parents.  She is full of life, very busy and foster family says very smart:)  Her foster sister, mom and dad were at the meeting and they LOVE her so much!!  We are blessed that she has been in such an amazing foster home.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Headed to Seoul!

Tomorrow morning we fly to Seoul at 6:30 a.m.!  I am overwhelmed with emotions and joy as we will be meeting our girl after a LONG 20 months.  We arrive in Seoul on Saturday at 4:00 and then we will meet her at Eastern on Monday morning!  Bags are packed and I cry every time I think about how honored we are that God is allowing us to be Jacie's parents.

Charlie, Tae and Ree Ree are all going with us.  Our sweet Jerri Lynn cannot go due to her seizures, however, Aunt Stephanie is coming with Avree and Addie and PUPPIES to play with !!  Then Grandma will come to spend some special time with Jerri Lynn.  She is VERY excited and "chose" to stay home, which was such a blessing that God provided for this situation. We are extremely sad to leave Jerri Lynn for a week, but know that she will be in great hands.

Today, Charlie woke up with strep throat.  The enemy wants to keep us away from caring from orphans and we won't be defeated!  We are praying that he feels better soon and that the rest of us stay well!

My sweet friends have all been praying over us today and it has helped so much.  I thank God for giving me the best friends in the world!

These photos are of AhRin at 40 months. She is so beautiful and so grown!!!  I'm too excited to sleep.  God's timing is perfect and we trust Him in all things!

Thursday, August 20, 2015

37 months!

W 11.7 H 90.2 Hd 48.8 Ch 48.2 T 8/8 (Jun 19, 2015 / 36M)
W 12.0 H 91.2 Hd 48.8 Ch 48.2 T 8/8 (Jul 20, 2015 / 37M)

Love this piggie tales!!!!  You are wearing everything we sent you head to toe!!!! We love you!!!

Our sweet girl- 38 months!

Here is the latest update about Jacie!  This is the care package we sent her!!

W 12.2 H 93 Hd 48.8 Ch 48.4 T 8/8 (Aug 20, 2015 / 38M)

You are growing up too big our precious girl.  We pray for you and your foster family everyday.  We pray that God is preparing your little heart to come to your forever family.  We love you sweet girl!

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

EP Submit!!- One step closer!

Today, Mary Anne our social worker called and said she had good news!  We FINALLY are submitted for Emmigration Permission. She said our shortest time before we could travel would be 6 months and the longest being 12. Jacie Reese we will be there before you know it!  We love you sweet girl!!

W 12.1 H 89.5 Hd 48.5 Ch 48.2 T 8/8 (May 21, 2015 / 35M)

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Home Study Update and Forget the Frock

We had our home study update today with our social worker.  Kids were so cute- they cleaned up so well and kept saying, "The inspector is coming to see if we can get Jacie!" We have to get medical physicals done again and tons of paperwork.  Adoption is a lot of work, but God uses every part of the journey to refine us. Jacie our heart yearns for you to be home. We love you!

We took this picture today of our family in our "Forget the Frock" shirts! This Easter instead of buying fancy new clothes, we purchased a Forget the Frock, feed an orphan shirt!!  All money went to provide for needs of orphans worldwide!

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Jacie Reese's Lunar New Year Celebration!

W 11.9 H 88 Hd 48.2 Ch 48 T 8/8 (Feb 16, 2015 / 32M)

Here is our sweet girl!  She wearing the bow we sent and holding the sippy cup we mailed her:)  Come home- we love you and long for the day we get to meet you!

Monday, February 16, 2015

Jacie Reese AhRin Jacobs

Last week our social worker said that she needed our daughter's name for court paperwork!  Very exciting, but lots of pressure!!!  We finally came up with: Jacie Reese AhRin Jacobs!

Jacie is CJ backwards
Reese after my mom Reesa
AhRin after our nephew (CJ's sister's son) Aaron

We also received the following email concerning our timeline:(

Dear Families~
If you are receiving this email, it means that we've been requested by Eastern to begin preparing your court and EP documentation ;) I know this brings the question from many of you as to when, how soon, how fast? I wish I knew this with certainty but I can tell you that we are still waiting for several files from previous requested batches to be submitted to the Ministry. Those included January-April 2014 cases (meaning their assignment paperwork was sent to Korea during those months). Based on recent time frames, it could take as long as 4-6 months until your case is submitted to the Ministry. From that point, it's been taking approximately 2-3 months for approval, another 1-5 months for a court summons to be issued and then the court date being scheduled 4-8 weeks out.

So, we may travel in 8-16 months- that is toooooooo long!!! Please pray we get our girl home sooner!

We love you Jacie Reese!!